Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Children Stole My Beauty

I have been studying myself in the mirror lately, and I discovered a strange phenomenon. Ever since I quit work to stay home, my face has aged about 10 years. Okay, maybe not 10. But, definitely 5. I even went and bought "firming" moisturizer for my face. I'm 32. I thought I had until at least 40 to start spending money on that stuff.

I have wrinkles around my eyes, and dark circles, where none existed before. My hair, once shiny and luxurious, is coarse and lackluster. I've gained about six pounds. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but it feels like a lot.

Maybe it is that I rarely dress in anything other than jeans and a random long-sleeved shirt anymore. Maybe I just looked better when I was wearing "work clothes".

A strange, random thought. I think I was hotter when I was employed. I wonder if there are any university studies on this subject. If there aren't, there should be.

I know, I know. Life is not about being hot, and I shouldn't let vanity rule my universe. The sad thing is, I don't even have the mental mojo (or funds) right now to go out and find some new clothes that might actually flatter my body. The closest I got was buying a purse yesterday on clearance at Macy's. And some facial cleanser by Origins, which I am delighted with, by the way.

The good thing is, my two girls are absolutely gorgeous (of course they are). Maybe I transferred my good looks over to them.



Anonymous said...

A new hairdo will do wonders for you. There are schools of cosmetology that charge very little, and they have excellent supervision. The only thing is it takes longer.

newduck said...

Life is not about being hot? What are you talking about? Motherhood has clearly cooked your brain. Take my word for it, life IS about being hot. Plus, you're two years younger than me, so you're not allowed to have wrinkles yet.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. Wrinkles, gray hair. It all screams "I'M A MOTHER!!!" I really see now why those reality shows with extreme makeovers are so popular. We can all fantasize about getting our old selves back. Look...there's a surgery that fixes all my maladies.

One Chance Mama said...

You are absolutely right, New Duck. Motherhood HAS cooked my brain. I suppose I will have to devise a strategy to reclaim my hotness. Part I will be: Go to Vegas. And that part is done because, even though I really don't have the money to do it, I booked my trip last night.

newduck said...

Vegas - awesome!!! Since I'm too pregnant to so much as turn over at night, I'm living vicariously through you. I can't wait to hear all about it! Vegas has the best shopping EVER - just splurge a tiny bit on yourself and you'll come back a new woman.